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Got Plasma?
I Do, I Do!
I take it you got your new plasma cutter? Congrats. :allrighty:
Or is it a Plasma TV?:nope:
Cutting stuff is cool 2 Cool
Thermal Dynamics 38 plasma cutter. And it’s fun.
how much do those bad boys go for, and, what does one whos never had one need to know when picking one up for the first time? inquirind minds tired of sawzalls wants to knowlol
Thanks pard, and congrats, i remember my first mig.......
sweeto - I'll be right over!
Need to know what kind of stuff you will be cutting the most of. Mine will sever up 5/8" steel. The 38 was $1,300 with a discount. As far as cutting it helps if you know how to cut with Oxy-Acetylene. I'm a bit rusty. But still better then zaw-saw of grinder. I had to get ¼ plate today for a job and could only buy it in a 8’x4’ sheet.
Hmm, I need to get a mounting bracket made up for my OBA manifold and filter....
holeski Wrote:Need to know what kind of stuff you will be cutting the most of. Mine will sever up 5/8" steel. The 38 was $1,300 with a discount. As far as cutting it helps if you know how to cut with Oxy-Acetylene. I'm a bit rusty. But still better then zaw-saw of grinder. I had to get ¼ plate today for a job and could only buy it in a 8’x4’ sheet.

Hehe I have the right rear of the zuki stock fender mounts to sawzall.. OR PLASMA... and the front right front by the fender to match.....

Wanna have fun? hahah.


Well if you wanted to..I'll probably end up sawzalling it

:nopics: of cuts from the plasma.. and the plasma cutter itself!
Nice score...don't hardly work with anything over 3\8"??? I know if and when I go to lay down some cash on a plas it won't be on anything less than the 51 for me...still jealous though!
Hell yea my roommate works at the machine shop on Eielson and we go there and mess around all the time plasma torches are really cool..:punk:
Mr. Holeproof CEO, what's the charge to strip an axle of all bracketry? PMs accepted if necessary.
So what you're saying is you can now make my bumper out of 5/8" steel???!!!
How do you like the CutMaster 38? I've been looking at a 81 or 101, but can't decide which one. I need to cut a bunch of 1/2" material. The 51 would probably work, but it would be right at it's rated capacity and the travel speed is suppose to be 10" per minute at rated. Have you tried any 3/8"? I was wondering if you could actually cut faster than 10" per minute at the rated capacity.

Does anyone in town have a water jet? That would be the ticket for all my cutting.
Trail Toyz in Palmer has a waterjet. I don't know about FBX.
So does Holaday Park off of Arura. The 3/8 is great for what I need, sorry I haven't wiped out the stop watch to see how fast it cuts. Most of the stuff I need it for is aroung 1/4" but it'll cut thicker, just need to know what your doing. I have noticed I can cut thinker stuff now that I'm getting the hang of it.
holeski Wrote:So does Holaday Park off of Arura. The 3/8 is great for what I need, sorry I haven't wiped out the stop watch to see how fast it cuts. Most of the stuff I need it for is aroung 1/4" but it'll cut thicker, just need to know what your doing. I have noticed I can cut thinker stuff now that I'm getting the hang of it.

Want to bring it over to kev's and cut the rest of my fenders? Smile

With a plasma it'd probably take a few minutes.. LOL
Can't he doesn't have the right outlet for it.

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